1. Prepare Your Minecraft Game

  • Ensure you’re using Minecraft 1.21.4. Open the game via the Java launcher.
  • While the game is loading, proceed to download your desired texture pack.

2. Download a Texture Pack

  • Visit a trusted site like CurseForge for texture packs.
  • Select a texture pack compatible with Minecraft 1.21.4.
  • Click the Download button for the texture pack. This will download a .zip file.

3. Locate Your Resource Packs Folder

  1. Open Minecraft and go to Options.
  2. Select Resource Packs.
  3. Click the Open Pack Folder button. This will open the directory where texture packs should be placed.

4. Move the Downloaded Texture Pack

  • Navigate to your computer’s Downloads folder (or wherever the texture pack was saved).
  • Copy or cut the texture pack .zip file.
  • Paste the .zip file into the resourcepacks folder opened in the previous step.

5. Activate the Texture Pack in Minecraft

  1. Close the resourcepacks folder and return to Minecraft.
  2. In the Resource Packs menu, the newly added texture pack will appear on the left under “Available.”
  3. If the texture pack is compatible:
    • Hover over the texture pack and click the arrow to move it to the “Selected” section on the right.
    • Press Yes when prompted.
  4. If the texture pack is incompatible, repeat the process with another pack compatible with your version.

6. Apply and Test the Texture Pack

  • Press Done to reload Minecraft with the selected texture pack.
  • Open a world and verify the new textures are applied.


  • Curseforge – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/search?class=texture-packs
  • Planet Minecraft – https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-packs/

Troubleshooting and Tips

  • Check Compatibility: Ensure the texture pack supports Minecraft version 1.21.4. Incompatible packs may not work or display errors.
  • Alternative Packs: If one texture pack doesn’t work, try another like Dramatic Skies or other popular options.
  • High-Resolution Packs: Some packs may require OptiFine or additional resources for better graphics.
  • Disable Incompatible Packs: Use the arrow in the Resource Packs menu to move incompatible packs back to the left.

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