To bring Elsa to your village, follow these steps:

1. Unlock the Frozen Realm

  • Location: Go to the Dreamlight Castle.
  • Cost: Unlock the Frozen Realm for 4,000 Dreamlight.
  • Realm Location: It’s on the first floor of the castle, in the middle.

2. Complete the Frozen Realm Quests

Inside the Frozen Realm, you’ll meet Anna first. Complete the following quests:

  1. Spirits of Nature
  2. Chasing the Wind
  3. Welcoming Anna

These quests will bring Anna to your valley.

3. Increase Friendship with Anna

  • Once Anna is in your valley, raise her friendship to Level 2.
  • Pro Tip: Give Anna her favorite gifts and engage in daily discussions to quickly level up.

4. Complete Anna’s Level 2 Quest

  • Quest Name: An Icy Invitation
  • Finish this quest to unlock a new questline.

5. Complete the Quest “Welcoming Elsa”

  • After completing “An Icy Invitation,” you’ll unlock Welcoming Elsa.
  • Follow the quest objectives to bring Elsa to the valley.

6. Elsa’s Home

  • Elsa does not require a house to be placed. She already has a home in the Ice Cavern, located in the valley.


  • Unlock Frozen Realm (4,000 Dreamlight).
  • Complete Anna’s quests in the realm.
  • Bring Anna to the valley and raise her friendship to Level 2.
  • Complete An Icy Invitation and then Welcoming Elsa.
  • Elsa will appear in the valley, with her home already set.

Enjoy having Elsa in your valley! ❄️

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